Thursday, April 5, 2012

Super High Me

Super High Me is a 2007 documentary about marijuana use on the body. The documentary stars comedian Doug Benson and is similar to the 2004 documentary about eating Mcdonalds, Super Size Me. In the film, Doug Benson is a casual marijuana smoker and decides to take a 30 day break before smoking marijuana all day for 30 days to see if it takes a toll on his body. During the cleansing period and during the marijuana use period, he goes through physical and mental tests. The film also shows how medical marijuana works in California and interviews with activists, medical marijuana dispensary owners and politicians.

The film gives viewers a glimpse into how medical marijuana works in California. It shows how people really need this medicine and how the government cracks down on patients, even though they obviously benefit from it. This documentary has a lot of comedic parts but also has some serious parts. It was interesting to see how constant marijuana use did not do anything to Doug. It makes you question why marijuana is even illegal in the first place, at least for medical reasons. I really enjoyed this documentary and if you have any interest in medical marijuana culture, you will enjoy it also.

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