film is directed by Christopher Nolan and is about a former insurance investigator named Leonard Shelby, played by Guy Pearce, who has no short-term memory after an accident that
occurred when his wife was raped and killed by intruders and he sustains a
head injury. He cannot remember anything that happens after the head injury so
he must rely on Polaroid pictures with notes written on them and tattoos that he gets to
make up for his lost memory. The main plot of the film is Leonard trying to
figure out who the second attacker was that killed his wife and put him in this
condition. Once he finds the attacker he plans on killing him.
The most interesting aspect of this film is the fact it goes backwards.
The first scene of the movie is actually the last part of the story. As the film continues and goes backwards the viewer finds out what leads up to that first scene. The movie is about memory or lack there of so it makes
the viewer use their own memory because since the movie goes backwards the
viewer has to remember what happened in the previous scene to understand what
is happening in the next scene. This fact alone gives Memento a reason to be
viewed and also makes it very re-watchable because the viewer may of missed
films scenes are very well shot. Nolan uses a lot of mirror scenes in the movie
as well as many close up shots of characters faces, which emphasizes the actor’s
facial expressions. You can really see the emotion in their face and feel for
them especially Leonard. Nolan utilizes both black and white shots and color
shots in the film. The majority of the film is shown in color but during
flashback scenes, black and white shots are used. Nolan seems to use this to
make sure the viewer isn’t confused which scene is a flashback since the film’s
narrative plot is already confusing already as it is. The film does contain
some violent and gory scenes but it is not too over the top and this is a rated
R movie so it’s to be expected. The score of the film is very minimal but does
have a hypnotic keyboard and orchestral sound that works well with the films
visuals. The films editing is done well because without the right editing the
film would be unwatchable because of the backwards style.
This is definitely a film to check out it if you enjoy thrillers. The way
the film is shown backwards gives the film a very unique quality to it that is
hard to find in films these days. The acting by Guy Pearce is top notch and is
very believable. The only flaw that I can tell is that it may be too confusing to
some viewers and a re-watch is probably needed to understand the film
Kris you've got some really great movies posted on your blog. I've seen all of them except two City of God and Memento. They both sound really interesting and I'm going to check my Netflix account to see if these two movies are listed. I think my husband will love Memento and I'm definitely checking out City of God.